Hey fellow foodies!
Do you need some recommendations on where to eat locally in Kamloops? Below, I have posted a link to help my readers find some great restaurants in Kamloops, BC, all while supporting local! This article is written by Tourism Kamloops, and it beautifully summarizes some favorite picks. The main message of this website is to break it down easily for readers to find exactly what they are looking for. After reading this article, you will learn about what Kamloops offers, including; modern dining, international restaurants, family-friendly, lifestyle, brunch, coffee shops, and more.
As a local foodie, I love this website and refer to it often to pick my next food experience. Check out the newest addition to the list – Underbelly by the pig. It is the latest modern dining restaurant to open in Kamloops and is a sister restaurant of the Noble Pig, one of my favorite local hot spots in Kamloops.
Article: https://www.tourismkamloops.com/foodanddrink/restaurants/
Happy Eating!

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