Hey Fellow Foodies!

Below I have linked an excellent article written by Foodee inc. about the importance of eating local and why eating local is good for you, your community, and your planet. I think this is a very important topic in the food and beverage industry and something to think about when choosing your next place to eat. I agree with everything the article states. It discusses how it is better tasting and better for you when you decide to eat local and in-season food. Eating local also supports your community and keeps dollars circulating within.

Another important point is that it creates bonds between community members. Lastly, a huge benefit of eating local is the environmental impact. By supporting our local farmers, we reduce our footprint and stresses on the environment. If these things resonate with you, I highly recommend taking a read of the article below! 

Article: https://www.food.ee/blog/why-eating-local-food-is-good-for-you-your-community-and-your-planet/

Happy Eating!